Naprapathy is a 126 years old manual therapy.

Developed in 1907 as a manual chronic pain therapy adjacent and akin to chiropractics, Naprapathy treats connective tissues according to tailored individual care plans.

Despite its long history, Naprapathy remains an under-utilized approach to chronic pain management.

Our mission is to improve the depth of evidence-based research about naprapathy as a successful treatment to chronic pain, and to raise awareness about naprapathy amongst those it stands to benefit.

What is naprapathy?

Oakley Smith (1880-1967), the founder of naprapathy, studied with and worked alongside D. D. Palmer, the originator of chiropractic medicine. Smith’s ideas and practice were also significantly influenced by Andrew Still, creator of ostheopatic medicine, and from his studies in human anatomy and physiology at the University of Iowa.

Smith’s unique and careful anatomical and microscopic observations on connective tissue and ligaments led him to hypothesize that adhesions within the connective tissue affected the nervous, vascular, and lymphatic systems leading to increased pain, tension, numbness, and various other pathologies. Today, Smith’s theories and practices are being increasingly recognized by the scientific community, and supported by evidence-based studies.

Naprapathy corrects musculoskeletal dysfunctions with manual soft tissue manipulations including ligaments and fascia in conjunction with therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise as well as nutritional counseling.

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